

Warning: I use the word “cool” way too much in this post. Forgive me.

Besides having a cool name, what Tinchilla does is actually pretty cool. It cools a can of soda in about 60 seconds.

The Tinchilla is a simple device which utilizes the scientific principle of thermal conduction. By spinning the can at an optimised speed the metal of the can is rapidly chilled by exposing its surface to the ice cubes and water surrounding it. The spinning can is also given a slight wobble resulting in a whirlpool effect inside. This whirpool allows as much of the drink as possible to be exposed to the now chilled surface of the can thus rapidly transferring the heat from inside to the surrounding water and ice.

Runs on 2 AA batteries and ice. Cool.

[tags]geek, soda, cool, gadget[/tags]

3 thoughts on “Tinchilla

  1. Amber

    If you put a soda in there, would it shake it up so that when you opened it, it would explode all over you? Or does the spinning work in such a way that it doesn’t “shake it” up?

  2. missdipsy

    According to the cybercandy site: “Best of all, in spite of all that jiggling about, you can open it straight away without any spraying or frothing!”. So no, it wouldn’t explode, apparently!

  3. Pingback: “300″ and the Tinchilla — Rob Rivera.com Archive

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