Free Kids MP3s from Zula Patrol

My five-year-old daughter loves Zula Patrol on PBS and yesterday she asked me if I could get the theme song for her so she could listen to it on her JuiceBox. A quick look at the Zula Patrol website and they offer 13 songs from the show (including the theme song) for free download in MP3 format! How nice of them! I wish more kids shows did that. I grabbed them quickly with DownThemAll with Firefox and we were soon singing along to the Zula Patrol Theme Song! (Now I can’t get that dang song out of my head).

This was much easier than snagging MP3s from

[tags]geek, mp3, mp3s, kids, audio, music, kids mp3s, kids songs, kids music, songs, firefox, children, free, freebie, freebies[/tags]

7 thoughts on “Free Kids MP3s from Zula Patrol

  1. Tim Irwin


    I can’t get that song out of my head either. Do you have a copy of the lyrics? I got most of them by listening over and over but there is still one line I can’t decipher.


  2. Alan

    My son (4 1/2) is a new fan of the show and loves the song. I tried the link for the MP3s but it appears dead and the Zulu Patrol website doesn’t seem to have any downloadable media. Would you still have the mp3’s available?



  3. rachelt

    The songs are still there, they’ve been moved though. Check under the “Activities Asteroid” at the top for a Sing-a-Longs button.

    Thanks so much for the link – my 5yo and I love, love, love that show! We bought her a telescope for Christmas because she’s so interested in outerspace now. We watch it everyday together, then talk about it later. Once she drew a little scribble of three balls stuck together, then handed it to me and said in her little chirpy voice, “Mom, I drew a water molecule,” then ran off to play. Ack! You could have knocked me over with a feather! I started watching it with her after that – lol! The mix of great characters, goofy plots and real topics are a perfect formula for her to latch on to, remember and apply to the world around her. There are truckloads of terrible TV out there, but this show is a gem.

    Also, there’s a great article on the website about the creator of Zula Patrol. She created the characters, then developed the book, etc., etc. It’s nice to know our favorite show was a homegrown creation, not a targeted moneymaker show. Check it out on “Grown-Up’s Galaxy” under News and Events – the NY Times article.

    Thanks again for the info!
    (my 5yo just peeked over my shoulder at the zula patrol website open on the other side of my screen…so you can guess where we’re going to next!)

  4. rachelt

    The reports of my discovery have been greatly exaggerated….or maybe completely wrong.

    The songs are not there, just links to the lyrics – a pretty dirty bait and switch if you ask me (me, being someone who does not look long enough to click through the button and make sure the goods are really there).

    There is a song and dance in the grownups/teachers/home activities area, but it’s not an mp3 dl. And there are definitely some cool things hidden around in there – just no songs! *sigh*

    All the best – Rachel


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