My English Dialect

This is mine:

Your Linguistic Profile:

75% General American English
15% Yankee
5% Dixie
5% Upper Midwestern
0% Midwestern

15% Yankee? I guess the fact that my wife is a yankee has something to do with that. I’m not even sure which answers were “yankee” answers. I’ll have to get my wife to take the test too. And Dixie and Upper Midwest? What the heck is that? Granted, I *have* lived all over the place: NC, VA, TX, AZ, MO, Germany, etc.

1 thought on “My English Dialect

  1. Amber Pipa

    Shame on me for not reading this earlier, but. . .

    I am Brian’s sister and here are my results:
    55% General American English
    25% Yankee
    10% Dixie
    10% Upper Midwestern
    0% Midwestern


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