Author Archives: Brian

Domain names that answer a question

I just stumbled on this phenomenon the other day. Does anyone know of more?

Be sure and view the page source for some of them – lots of goodies in there.

UPDATE: Here’s my entry:

I own an iphone

Just got it yesterday and so far… wow – it’s as good as they say. It’s actually cheaper per month than my Palm Treo (with my discount from work) so it was a no-brainer. It doesn’t work natively with my Scion’s ipod hookup though, which kinda sucks, but I may just keep my ipod and use that for tunes.

The Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana Phenomenon

My daughter is huge into Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana right now. More so than I think a seven year old should be. In fact, on the way home we listened to her rendition of “Rock Star” 5? times. Fun stuff. In case anyone is looking, A friend of mine runs a great website with a comprehensive gallery of Miley Cyrus Pictures

How bad is it that I know the words to some Miley Cyrus songs? Ugh.