Author Archives: Brian

Teenormous has launched!

After many hours and months of work, and many late nights (yes, it’s 1:53 AM right now as I type this) Teenormous has launched. What you see right now is maybe 10% of the features and awesomeness that is planned for the site. We wanted to start with a solid foundation and a great search engine and build on that.

We’ll be adding more t-shirts all the time (there is almost 15,000 right now), and we’ll be doing lots of mini-releases to roll out new features. We have really big plans for the site. What you see now is just the start.

Geeky Fun with Google Charts

The google charts API is a blast:

Pac-Man Chart

Pac-Man's Enemies

Star Trek Away Team chart

Some more text I found that I had written about google charts:
Something you might not know and I just fully realized the potential/fun in these….

Google has a nifty tool for creating on the fly charts/graphs called the Google Charts API. The cool thing is it’s all done in the URL – no server side includes, or programming or anything is needed and it’s pretty easy to do. You can totally customize how it looks and they have MANY different types of graphs and charts.

here is the URL for the chart below:×200&chd=t:72,20,8&chl=Chocolate|Sour|Gross&chtt=Top-selling+Types+of+Candy


Might be really useful to liven up a post every now and then. Do you think this idea is:×125&cht=gom&chd=t:90&chl=Awesome

or is it:×125&cht=gom&chd=t:5&chl=Terrible


You could make some pretty funny graphs/charts if you wanted. Think of a celebrity blog post about Britney:×200&chd=t:74,5,15,5,1&chl=Crying|Shaving+Head|Eating|Singing|Wishing+she+had+K-Fed+back&chtt=How+Britney+Spends+her+Day



Just a note for myself to log when it happened… I found a competitor to the new site we’ve been working on and they are doing lots of things we have already planned. Competition’s good though – keeps you on your toes. (if you’re lost, don’t worrry – none of this will really make sense to anyone but me)