I happened to visit NerdyShirts tonight at just past midnight EST and saw they were having a $1 sale! I picked up two Don’t Hate The Player tees and one (misprint) Free Hugs tee. $3 plus $8 shipping so $11 total for three t-shirts! SWEET!
Author Archives: Brian
XPath tip for Hpricot – no tbody
When using a plugin in Firefox to get the XPath of an item, be aware that Firefox inserts tbody tags into the source. So, if you get an XPath like
Do a View Source in Firefox and see if the tbody tags are actually in the source or not. If not, remove the tbody tags in the XPath then the modified XPath will work with Hpricot.
Candy Addict linked from BusinessWeek!
Wow. My candy blog was linked from BusinessWeek today!
[tags]geek, candy, business, business week[/tags]
Geek Crafts
Haven’t fully finished tweaking the theme yet, but check out my latest site: GeekCrafts.com. I’ve got a great writer named Shayne that’s gonna be writing for it. We kick it off in earnest this weekend.
[tags]geek, craft, crafts, scifi, geeky, nerdy, nerd, diy, make[/tags]
I got a PSP
I finally broke down and bought a nice used PSP today (even though I already have a GP2x). Fun fun!