Author Archives: Brian

Rdiculous – tracking rdiculously named websites

A friend and I have started a new site called Rdiculous. It’s a site that catalogs the numerous companies/websites that have names like Flickr (missing a letter before the final R). Our term for these sites is “rdiculous”. The site aims to poke a bit of fun at the sites while attempting to catalog them all (and there are a BUNCH). Take a look.

[tags]geek, web2.0, web 2.0, website, websites, domain names, ajax, social[/tags]

Explosion on moon tomorrow! (seriously!)

According to the NPR website, A European spacecraft will end its mission Saturday night with a crash landing on the moon. The little spacecraft, called SMART-1, was launched in 2003. And it made it all the way to the moon on solar power and an ion drive.

SMART-1, which has been orbiting lower and lower around the moon, will soon crash onto the surface of the moon. Time of impact should be around about 10:40 p.m. Saturday, Pacific time. The flash of the collision may be visible from some parts of the United States.

(summarized from this article at NPR)

How cool is that?

[tags]geek, space, astronomy, moon, spaceship, crash[/tags]

Popgadget stealing content

UPDATE: I received an email from Popgadget and a linkback has been added to their post.

It really irks me when this happens. I’ve had a few people link to my post about Beer-flavored gummies and they were kind enough to link back to my site. For that, I thank those sites.

Now, Popgadget has blatantly ripped me off. They used the same image (I found that image on ebay – notice the logo in the botton right), the image is the exact same size, they linked to the same site I did, and they essentially just rewrote what I wrote. All of this with no link back to me.

You be the judge:
My original post on 7/19/2006
Popgadget’s post today, 9/1/2006

Am I crazy or is that a blatant rip? You would think that a site as big as Popgadget (ranked 620 on Technorati) would have some ethics. Guess not. I even left a comment asking about this and of course it was moderated.

[tags]geek, theft, popgadget, blog, blogs, blogging[/tags]