Author Archives: Brian

Good news and bad news

Good news: Today I started a new job with an awesome company that all true geeks would know and recognize. I’m so excited. Should be lots of fun and a great opportunity. It’s Java programming with Hibernate, Struts, J2EE, etc., etc.

Bad news: I found out today around 3:00 PM that my grandfather passed away. He would have been 93 years old next month.

Rdiculous – tracking rdiculously named websites

A friend and I have started a new site called Rdiculous. It’s a site that catalogs the numerous companies/websites that have names like Flickr (missing a letter before the final R). Our term for these sites is “rdiculous”. The site aims to poke a bit of fun at the sites while attempting to catalog them all (and there are a BUNCH). Take a look.

[tags]geek, web2.0, web 2.0, website, websites, domain names, ajax, social[/tags]

Explosion on moon tomorrow! (seriously!)

According to the NPR website, A European spacecraft will end its mission Saturday night with a crash landing on the moon. The little spacecraft, called SMART-1, was launched in 2003. And it made it all the way to the moon on solar power and an ion drive.

SMART-1, which has been orbiting lower and lower around the moon, will soon crash onto the surface of the moon. Time of impact should be around about 10:40 p.m. Saturday, Pacific time. The flash of the collision may be visible from some parts of the United States.

(summarized from this article at NPR)

How cool is that?

[tags]geek, space, astronomy, moon, spaceship, crash[/tags]