Author Archives: Brian

Google AdSense preview tool

How have I not heard of this before? Google has a registry hack (for IE only, sadly), that allows you to see what ads Google would put on a site if AdSense were to be put on it – even if it currently has no ads. Very cool. If used on a site that does have AdSense, you can use it to get the links from the ads so you can visit the URLs without clicking on your own ads.

[tags]geek, webware, software, tips, tricks, google, adsense[/tags]

Perfect iced tea with the Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker

I have had my Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker (MCITM) for about 9 or 10 years and it makes perfect iced tea every time. Someone emailed me today and asked for my recipe so here it is for all. Remember, I have a 9/10 year old MCITM, so this may not apply to the new ones if the size of the pitcher has changed. My MCITM makes 4 quarts.

  1. fill the MCITM with water
  2. put about 1 quart (give or take) of HOT water in the pitcher.
  3. add your sugar to the pitcher and stir til dissolved. I used to make really sweet tea with 1 cup of sugar, but I have cut back to about 2/3 cup of sugar. Sweeten to taste.
  4. put 4 regular sized tea bags in the top of the MCITM – I use cheapo/no-name/generic orange pekoe bags and it turns out fine
  5. put the pitcher in place, turn it on, and start brewing
  6. when done brewing, dump the open the valve and let the extra tea into the pitcher. Do NOT squeeze the tea bags to get the extra tea out (that tip from Alton Brown).
  7. add cold water or ice to fill the pitcher
  8. ENJOY!

[tags]geek, tea, iced tea, sweet tea, recipe, recipes, sugar[/tags]

Linkie Winkie

What the hell is Linkie Winkie? I saw it in my Candy Addict logs today. Weird. It says:

Linkie Winkie is a bit of a social experiment and we want to see what happens. We’re not going to tell you much about it, except that its a very altruistic little site and loves to be talked about.

So if you can work out what it does, and get your timing right, then Linkie Winkie might help you out for a while.

So, what the hell is it? Anyone know?

[tags]geek, linkie winkie, wtf[/tags]

Sternest Meanings is a simple anagram site. Give it some text and it replies with an anagram.

  • Myvogonpoetry = Groovy! Empty on!
  • George W Bush = He grew bogus
  • What a way to go = A two why a goat

Pointless, but mildly entertaining for a few minutes. You can also reach it via AIM: (aim id sternestmeanings)

[tags]geek, anagram, anagrams[/tags]