Here’s a sign your kid has been playing too many video games/watching 3D movies:
Daughter (while riding in car with me): Daddy, look at those clouds – they look 3D!
Me: They are 3D. The real world is 3D.
Both of us: LOL
Category Archives: Fatherhood
The Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana Phenomenon
My daughter is huge into Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana right now. More so than I think a seven year old should be. In fact, on the way home we listened to her rendition of “Rock Star” 5? times. Fun stuff. In case anyone is looking, A friend of mine runs a great website with a comprehensive gallery of Miley Cyrus Pictures
How bad is it that I know the words to some Miley Cyrus songs? Ugh.
Video iPod + Shorty McShorts’ Shorts = quiet kid

If you have a kid and you have a video ipod, do yourself a favor and subscribe in iTunes to the Shorty McShort’s Shorts video podcast. Free cartoons for your ipod. We used it today to keep my daughter nice and quiet while we shopping. You’re welcome.
[tags]geek, ipod, itunes, animation, cartoon, cartoons, fatherhood, dad[/tags]
Free Kids MP3s from Zula Patrol
My five-year-old daughter loves Zula Patrol on PBS and yesterday she asked me if I could get the theme song for her so she could listen to it on her JuiceBox. A quick look at the Zula Patrol website and they offer 13 songs from the show (including the theme song) for free download in MP3 format! How nice of them! I wish more kids shows did that. I grabbed them quickly with DownThemAll with Firefox and we were soon singing along to the Zula Patrol Theme Song! (Now I can’t get that dang song out of my head).
This was much easier than snagging MP3s from
[tags]geek, mp3, mp3s, kids, audio, music, kids mp3s, kids songs, kids music, songs, firefox, children, free, freebie, freebies[/tags]
Pinball Memories
NOTE: I actually wrote this the night after I got the pin, but am just now posting it. It’s still not perfect, but it’s close enough.
My dad died 26 years ago from injuries sustained in a motorcyle accident. I was 10 years old. He was a great dad. He taught me how to play baseball and always went to my little league games. My Mom says he would always say “That’s my boy!” when I played. He taught me to play pool and snooker at the recreation center on base (he was in the Army). We played Atari Basketball and Midway’s Sea Wolf at a place down the street… and we played pinball.
That place down the street had a Harlem Globetrotters pinball machine. I rememember playing it many times with my Dad. Was he any good? I honestly don’t remember, but it doesn’t matter. My Dad played pinball with me and that’s all that matters. It’s one of my fondest memories of him.
Now that I’m grown and have a gameroom of my own, I thought it would be really cool to see if I could get a Harlem Globetrotters pinball machine of my own. I poked around online a few years ago but didn’t find one in my price range. It came up again in my mind so I posted on a local mailing list a few weeks ago and as luck would have it, a local dealer, Donnie, had one and agreed to sell it to me 100% working and at a great price. I picked it up last night and on the drive there I actually teared up a few times thinking about my Dad and playing this game with him.
Tonight I set it up and played some games with my almost-5-year-old daughter. Hopefully I am giving her some great memories of playing the same pinball machine with her dad. So, the moral of the story? Enjoy your children. Play baseball, video games, chess, pinball or something with them. Make memories. You never know what memory will stay with them for a lifetime. I think I’ll own this pinball machine forever. And Dad, I’ll keep a credit in it for you.