Category Archives: Gaming

The IT Crowd – Geeky British Television

I just finished watching the first episode of The IT Crowd and it is awesome. If you are a computer geek, you must watch it. Some examples of geekiness:

  • Sticker that says “Fair Use Has a Posse”
  • Sticker that says “MP3 is not a crime”
  • One of the IT guys is wearing a RTFM tshirt

and the the big one…..The Flying Spaghetti Monster on the wall:

FSM in IT Crowd

Also check this scene and notice the Atari 2600 in the background.

Good stuff. It’s almost as fun to watch and try to read/recognize all the stuff around the room.

UPDATE: According to this post, The IT Crowd will be back for a second season! WooHoo!


Let me skip the movies in games, PLEASE!

Why, in the name of all that is good and holy, do game makers insist on NOT allowing me to skip any of the “cinematic movies” in games? If they feel it is so necessary, let me hit some button and you can ask “Are You Sure?” if you must, but don’t make me watch it EVERY FREAKIN’ TIME I RELOAD! AARRGGHH!!! I am posting this while waiting for one such unskippable movie to end. 90 seconds might not seem like much, but after reloading for the third time, it seems like an eternity.