Category Archives: Gaming

Confessions of a horrible game player

Here is a great post at Lost Garden. It’s called “Confessions of a horrible game player“. He has some great ideas that developers should incorporate into games. If you haven’t read it before, Lost Garden is an “ongoing game design document written as a blog”. He is designing and building a game called SpaceCrack and documenting it in his blog. He used to work for Epic Megagames and worked on the shooter Tyrian so he knows what he is doing and it shows. He’s an excellent and interesting writer – well worth reading if you are a gamer. I have him linked in the sidebar.

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Geekiest Board Game Ever? Computer Rage from 1977

I went to my local thrift store today to see what I could find. Every now and then I can find something really good. Today was a good day. I found this UNOPENED, still shrink-wrapped, board game called Computer Rage that is copyright 1977 by Creative Computing Magazine. Click on the image below to see all the pics I took:

Computer Rage box

It has classic, retro art on the front and the gameplay itself is so incredibly geeky! How many games do you know that have a space labelled “Output Queue”? It even uses three binary dice (so you can roll 0-7)! Here is the description of the binary dice (click for a larger image):

Description of the binary dice in the Computer Rage board game

Binary! How many non-computer geeks do you know that can handle binary? Maybe the math geeks can handle it too, but not many other people.

So how much did I pay for this near-pristine piece of classic 70’s retro computer goodness? $2. What a great find. I love thrift stores.

Oh yeah – I also picked up Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Platinum Edition for $1 and it included the box and everything was in it. Also a good deal. I played the demo when it came out a long time ago (I think). I probably won’t get to it anytime soon (or ever) but I couldn’t pass it up for a buck.