I happened to check today and my candy site broke the 100,000 mark on Alexa! Wow! We’re at 97,015 right now! AMAZING!
Category Archives: Geek
Good news and bad news
Good news: Today I started a new job with an awesome company that all true geeks would know and recognize. I’m so excited. Should be lots of fun and a great opportunity. It’s Java programming with Hibernate, Struts, J2EE, etc., etc.
Bad news: I found out today around 3:00 PM that my grandfather passed away. He would have been 93 years old next month.
Free Candy
Over on my candy site, I managed to get over $1200 worth of candy to giveaway. Drop by, sign up and you might win some free candy (and Tshirts, hats, etc). Be sure and try out the Candy Scavenger Hunt which everyone is saying is lots of fun.
[tags]candy, sweets, free, freebie, freebies, contest, giveaway, scavenger hunt[/tags]
Talk Like A Pirate Day
Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day so “shiver me timbers”, “swab the deck”, and “avast ye mateys”! (I don’t know much pirate talk).
[tags]geek, pirate, pirates[/tags]
Rdiculous – tracking rdiculously named websites
A friend and I have started a new site called Rdiculous. It’s a site that catalogs the numerous companies/websites that have names like Flickr (missing a letter before the final R). Our term for these sites is “rdiculous”. The site aims to poke a bit of fun at the sites while attempting to catalog them all (and there are a BUNCH). Take a look.
[tags]geek, web2.0, web 2.0, website, websites, domain names, ajax, social[/tags]