Category Archives: Geek

Overriding JComponent’s Ctrl-C Action

A little Java geekery here for my own reference and anyone else that needs it….

I needed to override the default CTrl-C (copy) behavior on a JList (though this should work on any JComponent) to copy what I wanted to the clipboard. After Googling and playing with it, I found that this works:

InputMap im = JLIST.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED);
ActionMap am = JLIST.getActionMap();
Action copyAction = new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String myString = "this goes to clipboard";
Clipboard cb = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
cb.setContents(new StringSelection(myString ), null);
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_C, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), "Copy");
am.put("Copy", copyAction);

XBox review: NBA Ballers: Phenom

I have been playing this for a few days now and love it. I tried the first NBA ballers and it was OK. NBA Street 2 wasn’t very good either IMHO. I’m a guy that loves NBA Jam enough to have one in my home gameroom.

NBAB:P has what I like – it’s easy to learn without too much fancy stuf. the one on one games remind me of the fun I had playing Dr. J and Larry Bird go One on One on my C64. The two on two gmes play like NBA Jam. Fun stuff.

If you like B-ball, get this game. Now, back to some ballin’.

NBA Ballers homepage

[tags]geek, xbox, basketball, ballers, baller, phenom, review, reviews[/tags]

Logo and graphic design – HelloMyLogo

My sister has officially started her graphic design business. Check out if you need any graphics done. She is really good. Here are some samples and she has also done all the headers I use on Candy Addict and a few other graphics there too. You can see some more of her work at her personal website too – look under Ads and Illustrations.

[tags]geek, graphic, graphics, design, graphic design, logo, logos, ads, illustrations, web, website, websites, business[/tags]