Category Archives: Misc

Spelling help for elementary students

Found a great use for the iphone app Orchestra. Its main purpose is to help you make todo lists by speaking them and it converts it to text. But… I found a cool trick… my daughter frequently needs help spelling longer words she hasn’t learned yet for papers and reports, etc. It would take her a while to look up the word online or in a dictionary and it really added up when she had a long paper to write and had to look up the spelling of lots of words. Now, I let her use Orchestra – she just says the word and it shows her how to spell it almost instantly. For every individual word she has tried it (so far) has been 100% correct.

French press coffee – attempt #1

I couldn’t handle not having coffee any more and the coffee at work is horrible so I bought a French press from Amazon and it arrived yesterday. This morning was my first attempt at making French press coffee. It looked weak and it is a bit on the weak side, but it’s still pretty darn good. I’ll tweak the steps a bit for tomorrow – I think within a week I will have the recipe/ratios/steps figured out.

Blog you should be reading: The Surfing Pizza

If you are not reading you should be. The first time I found the site, I read maybe 12 articles and laughed so hard I was crying. Unfortunately, I didn’t make note of the ones that made me LOL, so here are a few that are entertaining (but the PEZ story *did* make me LOL multiple times):

Much of his writing is LOL funny, but today he wrote this brilliant piece about being good at something (anything). Check it out.

MyVogonPoetry is back!

Wow – it’s been 7 months since I moved hosts (bluehost to hostmonster) and never got around to migrating the old site over. Sheesh. Where does the time go? Lots of stuff has happened. I may or may not catch up here. Let’s see some things I can think of:

  • Teenormous got a major facelift
  • my daughter turned 10
  • I bought myself a new Lenovo laptop
  • I’m using linux mint at home and work now
  • I got an Xbox 360 for myself for Christmas