Category Archives: Software

Google AdSense preview tool

How have I not heard of this before? Google has a registry hack (for IE only, sadly), that allows you to see what ads Google would put on a site if AdSense were to be put on it – even if it currently has no ads. Very cool. If used on a site that does have AdSense, you can use it to get the links from the ads so you can visit the URLs without clicking on your own ads.

[tags]geek, webware, software, tips, tricks, google, adsense[/tags]

TipMonkies Lives!

TipMonkies, a great site for useful tip and tricks (and one that I write for every now and then) seemed to be dead for the last few months. Martin (the owner/editor) had some serious family problems, but he’s back now and ready to go. He’s already posted some great stuff in the last day or two. Check out TipMonkies if you haven’t already.

[tags]geek, windows, software, tips, tricks, webware, web, website, websites, tipmonkies[/tags]

Simple, small Windows CD player

I rarely need to listen to an actual audio (Redbook) CD any more since all my audio is in MP3 format, but today I did and I had no app to play it. I knew I had found a really small, non-installable CD player at one point and I found it again today. It’s only 10kb and requires no install. It’s fully functional and actually has a nice interface … amazing for only 10kb. Check it out at Robin Keir’s site. Lots of other cool little apps there too!

[tags]geek, windows, softwre, cd, player, cd player[/tags]

Cool Windows XP trick

If you are using Windows XP and haven’t turned on ClearType fonts, you need to try it – it’s amazing. (Yeah, I know it’s probably old news, but I didn’t know about it til today). Go to
Desktop –> Properties –> Appearance –> Effects
and change the second drop-down to ClearType. Hit OK then the next OK. Now be amazed at how much different the text now looks in XP.

Credit goes to Tom for pointing this out to me.

[tags]geek, windows, xp, windows xp, tip, tips, trick, tricks, tips and tricks[/tags]

Is there a Firefox extension that will grab all email addresses off a page?

Is there? I can’t find one. I have a webpage with a bunch of email addresses and I want to grab them all easily. I can’t seem to find a plugin that does this. Is there one? I was thinking I could write a quick Java program to do it. I actually wrote a java program before that would do this but I can’t find the source code! ARRGGHH!

UPDATE: I found a freeware Windows app that worked – XSite

[tags]geek, firefox, plugin, plugins, email, java, extension, firefox extension[/tags]