Category Archives: Webware

Over 100K on Blogshares

I don’t actually play Blogshares like some people do, but I check out how my blogs are doing from time to time and check how some other blogs I read are doing. I admit, I don’t totally understand the blog stock market. I checked on Candy Addict on Blogshares the other day and its valuation had past 100,000 B$! Cool. Also, outgoing links from Candy Addict are now worth 25K B$ (that’s the maximum) it’s the same as an outgoing link from BoingBoing! Again, not sure what it all means but I thought it was cool.

UPDATE: The stock value has come crashing down and it’s only worth just under 40K now, though the stock price (B$8,276.74) and outgoing link value (B$19,597.80) is still pretty high.

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Some handy sites to use with online calendars

Here are a couple of handy sites for use with online calendars like AirSet and CalendarHub:

Eventful is really cool – do a search for the town/city you live in and you get a list of events coming up in your area. Concerts, theatre events, sporting events, etc. Then, you can add that data to your CalendarHub or AirSet calendar so anytime you want to see what’s going on, you just look in your calendar.

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