So, I’m reading this article on 15 things you can do with RSS and I had this idea……RSS/Email TODO lists. Here’s how:

1) come up with a unique/not-easily guessable email to use at or – let’s say we use todo-myvogonpoetry@emailsite
2) use Bloglines and subscribe to your RSS feed from one of the sites above – make sure you make it private (in BlogLines). For the above example, if using MailBucket, it would be: (you can also read the mail by using your browser to visit
3) Now, whenever you think of something for your TODO list, just send yourself a todo email at your address and bloglines will pick it up.
4) In bloglines, when you get a new TODO item, mark it as “Keep New”. Once it is done, unmark it.

There are lots of other cool things you can do with this. here’s one: create an anonymous, spontaneous discussion/forum


9 thoughts on “RSS TODO list

  1. Tim Yang

    Hi! I didn’t put this on my list. Now that you’ve written this, I probably should have. allows you to create todo lists and gives you RSS delivery of updates too. Sorry! I’ll do better when I update that list. (Maybe I should make it a regular article on my blog.)

  2. Herr Theoretiker

    You do realize that you can create a “throwaway” email address like this directly in Bloglines, don’t you?

    Just go to “Create Email Subscriptions” and you can make an email address formatted as that you can use to send things directly to your Bloglines account.

    I currently use this feature in conjunction with RememberTo to receive a daily list of sites I like that don’t provide RSS feeds.

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