Overriding JComponent’s Ctrl-C Action

A little Java geekery here for my own reference and anyone else that needs it….

I needed to override the default CTrl-C (copy) behavior on a JList (though this should work on any JComponent) to copy what I wanted to the clipboard. After Googling and playing with it, I found that this works:

InputMap im = JLIST.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED);
ActionMap am = JLIST.getActionMap();
Action copyAction = new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String myString = "this goes to clipboard";
Clipboard cb = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
cb.setContents(new StringSelection(myString ), null);
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_C, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), "Copy");
am.put("Copy", copyAction);

XBox review: NBA Ballers: Phenom

I have been playing this for a few days now and love it. I tried the first NBA ballers and it was OK. NBA Street 2 wasn’t very good either IMHO. I’m a guy that loves NBA Jam enough to have one in my home gameroom.

NBAB:P has what I like – it’s easy to learn without too much fancy stuf. the one on one games remind me of the fun I had playing Dr. J and Larry Bird go One on One on my C64. The two on two gmes play like NBA Jam. Fun stuff.

If you like B-ball, get this game. Now, back to some ballin’.

NBA Ballers homepage

[tags]geek, xbox, basketball, ballers, baller, phenom, review, reviews[/tags]

Logo and graphic design – HelloMyLogo

My sister has officially started her graphic design business. Check out http://HelloMyLogo.com if you need any graphics done. She is really good. Here are some samples and she has also done all the headers I use on Candy Addict and a few other graphics there too. You can see some more of her work at her personal website too – look under Ads and Illustrations.

[tags]geek, graphic, graphics, design, graphic design, logo, logos, ads, illustrations, web, website, websites, business[/tags]