BoingBoing vs BluesNews

Recently, a link to my Candy Addict site was posted on BoingBoing and on BluesNews within about 12 hours of each other. Surprisingly (to me anyway), BluesNews has sent more traffic than BoingBoing. This could partially be because I have had links form BoingBoing before so some people did not click because they already had seen Candy Addict. Here are the stats as of 3/7/2006:
BoingBoing: 472
BluesNews: 681

My new site:

Well, I decided to start ANOTHER site up – it’s called Fun Links Daily. It’s pretty much what the name says: each day there will be one post that is a list of fun links. Some are weird, some funny, some are interesting, some are cool, but all will be fun. It’s a quick, easy way to find something to do/read/watch/listen to if you happen to be online and bored. Check it out.

Fun Links Daily