Tag Archives: podiobooks

Ancestor podcast novel has begun

I am so psyched! Scott Sigler has started the Ancestor podcast novel. He previously did Earthcore which was fantastic, and now he’s podcasting his other novel, Ancestor. I listened to the first episode Monday in the car on the way home from work. It sounds like it will be as good as Earthcore. Both books are being podcast for FREE so try them out! Earthcore is finished so just go grab the whole thing all at once. Ancestor just started so you can get it on it now from the beginning.

Earthcore is winding down

The podcast novel Earthcore is winding down. Just a few more chapters and it’s done. What? You haven’t heard of Earthcore? it’s a cool sci-fi/action audiobook being released for free as a podcast. Don’t fret that you missed any of it, just drop by the Earthcore site and you can download the whole book (up til now) for free and catch up. It’s a really good book and the author is doing an excellent job of reading it. The book reminds me a lot of The Relic by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child – lots of action, suspense, some creepy creatures, and a bit of horror thrown in.

Audiobook: The Pocket and the Pendant

The Pocket and the Pendant was a Podiobook – an audiobook released in podcast format. It just ended this past weekend. GREAT book! I encourage anyone who likes sci-fi to check it out. Since the podcast is over, you can stop by the site and just download the whole thing – it’s free and it’s a really good audiobook! If you use Firefox you can download all MP3s quickly and easily with the DownThemAll extension. I use it all the time to download legal MP3s off of websites (like 3hive.com).

For other great podiobooks, visit podiobooks.com. Earthcore is GREAT!
