Let me skip the movies in games, PLEASE!

Why, in the name of all that is good and holy, do game makers insist on NOT allowing me to skip any of the “cinematic movies” in games? If they feel it is so necessary, let me hit some button and you can ask “Are You Sure?” if you must, but don’t make me watch it EVERY FREAKIN’ TIME I RELOAD! AARRGGHH!!! I am posting this while waiting for one such unskippable movie to end. 90 seconds might not seem like much, but after reloading for the third time, it seems like an eternity.

How to download 164 MP3s from Nick Jr. for free

So my daughter and I were playing around on the Nick Jr. website and we were listening to the Nick Jr. Radio. I started wondering if the techniques I outlined in a previous post would work on the Nick Jr. website so she could listen to these songs anytime she wanted on her MP3 player. Well they can. I was able to grab 164(!!!) 112kb/s MP3s from Nick Jr. in about five minutes using most of the techniques mentioned in the post I mentioned above just by using Firefox and the LiveHTTP, Linkification, and DownThemAll extensions. I also used a text editor’s search and replace function.

Also see free Zula Patrol MP3s

UPDATE: Due to popular demand, here is a zip of a .txt file that contains all of the links. Load it into Firefox with the Linkification extension and the DownThemAll extension to grab them quickly and easily. Or, load it into EditPad Lite and click on every link by hand.

My web host SUCKS!

My sites were down for the past two days! Grrrr…..I just bought hosting with another place and will work to get everything moved over there in the next few days. In the meantime, I thoroughly do NOT recommend eihosts.com. They have been down a day or two every month it seems.